Longford Age Friendly Information Day
Longford Age Friendly Programme hosted a very successful Information Day in the Longford Arms Hotel recently. MC for the event was Longford Age Friendly Programme Manager Martina Needham Longford County Council …

Wonderful Day Out in Edgeworthstown
In 1946, while visiting Edgeworthstown, the travel writer Richard Hayward wrote: “In Edgeworthstown, one of the quietest little towns in Ireland, was a great web of history woven from the …

Longford Age Friendly Programme Update
OPC Convention 9th/10th May Kilkenny Longford Older Person’s Council Chairperson Kitty Burkhill and Longford Age Friendly Co-ordinator Paula Mulry were delighted to be among the 200 older people from across …

Longford and Westmeath Age-Friendly organised a climate action workshop in Offaly
Members of Offaly’s Older Persons Council, Active Retirement Groups, Tidy Towns Committee’s, and interested locals attended the Climate Action Workshop on Tuesday 18th April in Lough Boora Discovery Park. (Age …

Longford and Westmeath Age Friendly Organised a Climate Action Workshop in Mayo
Members of Active Retired Groups and Mayo’s OPC attended the Climate Action Workshop today in Mulranny Park Hotel (Age Friendly Ireland and CARO). Gavin Harte (Sustainability Consultant, Climate Action Coach …