Longford Age Friendly Programme hosted a very successful Information Day in the Longford Arms Hotel recently.

MC for the event was Longford Age Friendly Programme Manager Martina Needham Longford County Council Chief Executive and Chair of Longford Age Friendly Alliance Mr Paddy Mahon and Longford Older Person’s Council Chairperson Kitty Burkhill welcomed over one hundred and fifty attendees to the event from all parts of County Longford.

There was an EXPO element to the day and many of our other local community organisations who support older persons within our community were in attendance including, Alone, Alzheimers’ Society of Ireland, Citizen’s Information Centre, Community Gardai, HSE, Longford Community Resources, Longford Local Link, LWETB, and Longford ICA.
The morning session focussed on services provided by Longford County Council to support older citizens and included presentations from Regional and Local Age Friendly Healthy Homes Co-ordinators Ann Moran and Caroline Doyle from Libraries staff Nicola Kenneally and Genevieve Montgomery, from Longford County Council Martin Morris from Longford Community Safety Partnership Co-ordinator, Janine Bartley and also from our Physical Activation for Health Officer, Stephen McNally.

Following a light lunch, attendees were treated to some fun chair exercises led by the Longford Sports Partnership Tutor Mags Cummins who also delivers the Moving For Better Balance Exercise classes in a number of Library branches.

The afternoon session heard talks from the Healthy Longford and Slaintecare for Communities Co-ordinators Laura McHugh and Patricia Forde as well as an update on the HSE Longford Westmeath Integrated Care Programme for Older Persons by Clinical Nurse Specialist Eunice Eminike. Closing remarks were delivered ay Leas Cathaoirleach Cllr Peggy Nolan .

The afternoon concluded with a Fun Table Quiz organised by the Longford County Council Archives Team. The quiz proved very popular and went to a tie break with a team from Ballymahon Day Care Centre winning out.