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The shared vision of Longford County Council  including its Local Age Friendly Programme is to make Longford a good place to live work and grow old in  People of all ages across Longford will be supported to enjoy healthier, more active and connected lives.

The Alliance is a senior level, cross sector group whose member agencies have formed an overarching strategic partnership to develop and oversee the realisation of the Longford  Age Friendly County Strategy. 

  • Age Friendly Alliance Committee; Annual information day
  • Older Person Council
  • Declan Nerney Longford’s Age Friendly Ambassador since 2019
  • Bealtine and Positive Aging programme of events
  • Healthy Age Friendly Homes
  • Age Friendly Car parking spaces


  • Outdoor Spaces & Buildings – lighting, seating, pavements, walk areas, signage, planning
  • Transportation – access, public transport, convenience, parking, taxis, rural transport schemes, multi sector collaboration
  • Housing – affordable housing, universal design, lifetime adaptability
  • Social Participation – information, social capital, variety & range of events, easily accessible
  • Respect & Social Inclusion – Consultation, visibility, changing attitudes, intergenerational programmes through education & sport
  • Civic Participation & Employment – Volunteering, Use of resources, Mentoring programmes, post-retirement employment & training
  • Communication & Information – Access to Information, age friendly design, communication methods, promoting daily interaction
  • Community Support & Health Services – Community & Home Based Health & Social Care, Co-ordination of service delivery, quality of care for all, access to adequate health care


Local Programme Manager
Martina Needham
Local Technical Advisor
Declan Kenny
Local HAFH Coordinator
Caroline Doyle
Local Older People’s Council
Chair: Kitty Burkhill
Local Age Friendly Ambassador
Declan Nerney