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Who is Age Friendly Ireland?

The Age Friendly Ireland Shared Service supports cities, counties and towns across Ireland to prepare for the rapid ageing of our population by paying increased attention to the environmental, economic and social factors that influence the health and well-being of older adults. Local Age-friendly programmes work to provide walkable streets, housing and transportation options, access to key services and opportunities for older people to participate in community activities. By doing so, these communities are better equipped to become great places, and were appropriate lifelong homes, for people of all ages.

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AF Kerry Irish Logo

Active Ageing Festival Kerry

Age Friendly Ireland | National, Local | Kerry

The Age Friendly Office Kerry was delighted to attend and host information stands at the recent Kerry Recreation & Sports Partnership ‘Active Ageing Festivals’. It took place at Foilmore Community …

AF Cavan Full Col 150 dpi

Cavan Age Friendly trip to the Wayfinding Centre

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Cavan

On Monday 10th March 2025 representatives from Cavan Older People’s Council Executive Committee and Cavan Age Friendly programme visited the Wayfinding Centre in Glasnevin.  The Wayfinding Centre is an innovative, …


RAMS in Rhythm

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | South Dublin

We the Retired Active Men’s Social & the RAMS in Rhythm were so pleased to receive a surprise visit to our group, from the Dublin Simon Community. The RAMS have …

Insurance Ireland

Change in Legislation for all Motor Policyholders 

Age Friendly Ireland | National

A change to the Road Traffic Act 2023 comes into effect on 31st March 2025.This change requires all drivers in Ireland to provide to their car insurer, their driver number(s) …

Age Friendly Local Programmes

Age Friendly Ireland brings together, supports and provides technical guidance to the 31-local authority-led, multi-agency Age Friendly City and County Programmes