Age Friendly Ireland provides a very good framework to pioneer and drive transformation, innovation and improvement. To date Age Friendly Programmes have implemented real change in practical and pragmatic and often very imaginative ways. The extensive track record includes home support services for older people, enhancement of public spaces, age-friendly transport services, senior enterprise and age friendly business programmes, and enhanced community-level participation. Meaningful consultation with local older people has supported the development and implementation of this extensive range of practical and pragmatic solutions. Age Friendly Ireland supports the scaling up of what can often be local pockets of good practice into the consistent application of proven age friendly initiatives across the broader network of Age Friendly programmes.
Age Friendly Ireland hopes that this on line resource will play an important role in supporting the wider scale application and mainstreaming of proven age-friendly practices which, in turn, will play an important role in supporting the age-proofing of key services. Continuing to share practices in these ways will contribute much to our common goal of building a more age friendly Ireland.