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Longford and Westmeath Age Friendly Organised a Climate Action Workshop in Mayo

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Longford, Mayo, Westmeath

Climate Action Workshop

Members of Active Retired Groups and Mayo’s OPC attended the Climate Action Workshop today in Mulranny Park Hotel (Age Friendly Ireland and CARO). Gavin Harte (Sustainability Consultant, Climate Action Coach and Environmental Activist) delivered the training. Items such as climate science, carbon footprints, energy saving, home energy upgrade were discussed and followed by facilitated workshops.

The second part of the day included a presentation from Carol Loftus, Community member of “Mulranny Decarbonised Zone” Committee. Mulranny was formally announced by Mayo County Council as Mayo’s Initial Decarbonising Zone – aiming to reduce greenhouse gases by at least 51 per cent by 2030, as required under Action 165 of the National Climate Action Plan.
Mulranny is an exemplar site for the rest of the county, leading the way for other Mayo communities seeking to decarbonise.

Mulranny’s vision for 2030 is to become an empowered community, with a low carbon economy, living in a thriving biosphere. Using a participative democracy network, Mulranny’s ambition includes community energy initiatives, regenerative agricultural actions and the promotion of the circular economy in the village and its wider community.

Carols presentation was followed by a site visit to the local tourist which is powered completely by PV panels. Also demonstrated was the community E-Bike scheme, the food drop box and external water dispenser.

Some comments from the group were “that was the best day training ever”, “everything about today was excellent”, “I’d love to hear more from Gavin Harte”, “could we have more time with Carol on tour of Mulranny and their initiatives, we could really learn from each other”.
The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

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