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Community Support and Health Service

Age Friendly Ireland | National




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Welcome Address


Cllr Sean Drew 

Cathaoirleach, Meath County Council


Mary Butler, TD

Minister of State, Department of Health with responsibility for Mental Health and Older People


Stephanie O’Keeffe

National Director, Strategy | Transformation, HSE




Pat McLoughlin

Chief Executive Officer, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland

Pat McLoughlin worked as a management consultant prior to becoming Chief Executive of The Alzheimer Society of Ireland. He served on the management teams of four health boards and was Chief Executive of the South Eastern Health Board and Eastern Health Board.
He served as the first National Director of the National Hospitals office and Deputy CEO of the HSE.
He was Chief Executive of the Irish Payment Services Organisation until the introduction of European Payments Formats. He has assisted Government, on a pro bono basis,  in reviews of public expenditure, local government, childcare, health insurance and the Dept of Justice. He has served as Chairman and a member of a number of voluntary organisations.
He holds a B.A. and an L.L.B.from N.U.I.Galway and an M.B.A. from Strathclyde Business School.
Ms. Asma Alkhudari, is Age Friendly Programme Manager for the Sharjah region in the United Arab Emirates. Her career has seen her work focus on the area of healthcare, where she worked in Al Qassimi Hospital, Sharjah, before taking up the role of General Co-ordinator and Secretary for Sharjah Healthy City project, who were later conferred with the title of first Healthy City in the Middle East by the World Health Organisation. Asma is also a lecturer in the Health Administration faculty of Sharjah University and also in the clinical Resource Department in charge of Ambulatory services. Asma holds masters certification in Business Administration and also Health Sciences, and also holds a bachelor in Business Administration.

Asma Alkhudari
Age Friendly Programme Manager for the Sharjah Region in the UAE


Dr. Emer Coveney

National Programme Manager, Age Friendly Ireland

Dr Emer Coveney is the National Programme Manager with Age Friendly Ireland, where she manages a team based framework of 31 local Age Friendly Programme Managers assigned in each local authority in Ireland. She contributes to the development of resources and guidance documents for the national programme as well as managing the Age Friendly research unit. Her background has a strong focus on social inclusion and equality issues, with PhD and Master’s qualifications in the field of Gender and Women’s Studies, and she has recently completed the World Health Organization’s certificate in Healthy Ageing for Impact in the 21st.
Century. Her work history encompasses local government, community development and social research role.
Alice Corbett Dip, BA, is a Regional Manager with Age Friendly Ireland, where she supports six counites in the South East region to develop and sustain their Age Friendly County Programmes and respective Older Persons Councils.  She also contributes to the development of Age Friendly Ireland resources with a National lead focus on Health and Wellbeing initiatives, having been instrumental in the development of the new Age Friendly Primary Care Centre Guidelines.  Her background is in Community Development and she worked with Kildare County Council for over 20 years as the Senior Community Worker, where she developed the Estate Management Policy document for Social inclusion and Community Development for disadvantaged communities.  She has completed the “Healthy Ageing for impact in the 21st Century” Certificate with the World Health Organisation.  She is currently studying a Master’s Programme in NUI Galway in Ageing and Public Policy.

Alice Corbett
Regional Programme Manager, Age Friendly Ireland


Dr. Noel McCaffrey

Dr Noel McCaffrey is founder and CEO of ExWell Medical, a social enterprise that offers structured, medically-led exercise programmes in community settings to people with diverse chronic illnesses on referral from health care professionals. He is also a consultant in Sports Medicine in Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital where he runs a musculoskeletal injury clinic and is a Foundation Fellow of the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine.
His main passion is ExWell and he is committed to the mission of making the service available through partnerships to everyone in Ireland and beyond who would benefit from it.

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