Bealtaine Events took place in Offaly Libraries, such as workshops and coffee mornings.
All Libraries held a coffee morning and a lovely coffee morning took place in Clara Library.
Local author Tom Minnock joined us to talk about his recent book Down The Decades. Down the Decades is a book written by Tom Minnock in conversation with George Griffith who lived all his life in Clonshanny. George was born on the 17th of June 1922, as the Irish general election took place on Friday, 16 June to elect a constituent assembly paving the way for the formal establishment of The Free State. His reflections shine a light on life in rural Ireland as it changed down the decades.

Photo from left to right Tom Griffith, Daphne Griffith, Mary Minnock , Tom Minnock (author)
Bealtaine Glass Painting Workshops Offaly
Photographs from a Glass Painting Workshops, which were held in Birr, Clara, Edenderry and Tullamore Libraries.