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Creative Ireland – Drama Workshops Challenging Ageism in Co Louth

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Louth

Creative Ireland – Drama Workshops Challenging Ageism in Co Louth

Age Friendly Louth have been successful in securing €11,000 funding from Creative Ireland to explore the topic of ageism in Co Louth through the medium of creative arts.

Age Friendly Louth have partnered with An Táin Arts Centre to deliver this project , which will promote positive ageing and reframe the conversation around ageism.

A number of taster drama workshops were rolled out across Drogheda, Ardee & Dundalk during  May , inviting adults and especially older adults to take part in initial workshops .

A wide variety of people from lots of different backgrounds across Co Louth and with a wide range of ages and abilities attended the drama taster workshops.

Those attending the taster workshops were subsequently invited to attend a suite of follow up workshops which are being held in An Táin Arts Centre Dundalk every Monday during May, June & July to collaborate further on this project.

Participants are currently working with a drama facilitator, and a writer to produce a piece of creative art to challenge ageism and promote positive ageing in Co Louth.

It is anticipated the final piece of creative art will be presented at the Louth Age Friendly Expo in Ardee as part of Positive Ageing Week 2024.

Age Friendly Clare Ambassador Mike Hanrahan spoke about the importance of the creative arts in promoting positive ageing and combatting ageism and cognitive decline and this is something we are keen to support and develop in Co Louth.

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