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Judges visit exceptional projects nationwide for our National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards 2024

Age Friendly Ireland | National | National

Age Friendly Ireland Logo

The judges for the Annual National Age Friendly Awards have been visiting a wide range of wonderful projects across the country, from vibrant community initiatives to impressive Age Friendly Housing developments.

Each project showcased an inspiring commitment to improving the lives of older people, and our judges were particularly impressed with the creativity, innovation, and high standards demonstrated throughout.

These initiatives, whether focused on housing, social participation, or health and wellbeing, are making a real difference in creating an Ireland that truly values and supports its ageing population. We are incredibly grateful for the warm hospitality extended to our judges, which further reflects the dedication of all involved in this important work.

We look forward to meeting representatives from the shortlisted projects at our Gala Awards Evening, very kindly hosted by Fingal County Council, on Thursday 7th November in Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood Park, Dublin.


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