One hundred and thirty representatives from groups across Fingal attended the Older People’s Council Annual Conference on Tuesday 21st May 2024 in Kettles Country House Hotel.
The Conference, which was opened by the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Adrian Henchy covered two themes: Housing in Fingal and Decisions Supports within the HSE. Housing presentations were provided by Aoife Lawler, Carmel Brennan and Danielle Monahan on Housing Options in Fingal, Age Friendly Design and Ageing in Place, respectively. The presentations were informative and well received by delegates who were delighted to know that their needs were being considered in new housing developments in Fingal.
Presentations from the HSE’s Ciara Palmer, Jacqueline Grogan and Geraldine Farren focused on the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015 and the move to a human rights approach, supports available in acute settings and advance healthcare directive. The presentations highlighted the guiding principles underlying this legislation with the presumption that every person has the capacity to make the decisions about their own lives. Delegates were reminded that we all make unwise decisions throughout our life, but this does not affect our capacity to make decisions.
Following a thought-provoking morning, the afternoon provided mental relief as delegates danced to the music of Joe Mann. It was obvious from the dancing that some delegates acted upon the information provided by speakers and made their own decision to forgo the walking sticks and join in the dancing. For them it was a wise decision and for one delegate it felt like “a weight had been lifted” from his shoulders – it was best time he had in years!