In an undeniably digital world, accessing accurate health information from reliable sources can often be challenging. A positive experience with learning to use digital technology is necessary to facilitate digital health literacy for all. The Donegal Age Friendly Alliance members including Donegal County Council’s own Library Services, the HSE and Donegal ETB worked together to deliver 8 workshops recently throughout the county. The aims of these workshops included:
- improving digital skills
- being aware of potential online scams
- recognising inaccurate health information
- receiving guidance on finding trustworthy health information
- increasing online confidence
- providing key tips to staying safe online
These workshops were an important step in bridging the digital health gap for older adults by equipping them with the necessary skills to navigate technology used for accessing and understanding health information. The workshops highlighted the free resources available throughout the network of local libraries and the free digital classes available from the Donegal ETB. These workshops were funded by Adult Literacy for Life.