Applications Now Open! Do you want to be part of the climate conversation but don’t have the words?
Maybe you want to take sustainability to the next level in your community…bond over biodiversity with like-minded people…or feel the need to be a part of climate action! Well then, the Climate Ambassador programme is for you!

Who Can Apply? Everyone!
Seriously we want everyone! Coastal, rural, midlands, urban…farmers, foodies, bikers, bingo birds, nature lovers, scientists, hobbyists, parents, students, grandparents, tidy towners, Tik-Tokers, book clubbers, night clubbers, GAA’ers…you get the gist! Climate change effects are being felt on a local, national and global scale, so now, more than ever, we need people from all areas and all walks of life to unite in meaningful climate action!
No previous experience is required to become an official Climate Ambassador with An Taisce. You don’t have to be a climate expert to join the programme, we’re here to support you and your fellow Climate Ambassadors to develop, share and learn from each other’s ideas and experiences. We offer training in climate science, solutions and communications. Plus there are fun and informative climate action tours and workshops around the country at our network gatherings.
In return, we ask that you carry out at least two climate actions and two climate communications. Our Climate Action officers will work with you as you create innovative initiatives, community projects and events. Plus we’ll teach you the communication skills needed to share your sustainable achievements. The programme culminates in a special awards ceremony that celebrates friendship, hope, and the immense power of people uniting in climate action.
We’re now inviting applications for the 2025 Climate Ambassador programme here.