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Age Friendly Tipperary

Radio Campaign Keep Well

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication And Information
Programme: Tipperary
Status: Complete

Radio campaign promoting partners like ALONE, Citizens Information, Munitir na Tire, JIGSAW and the TCC Keep Well site

Age Friendly Tipperary

Regional Positive Ageing Week

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Civic Participation And Employment, Communication And Information, Community Support And Health Services, Housing, Outdoor Spaces And Buildings, Respect And Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Tipperary
Status: Complete

Regional Positive Ageing online festival capturing content for Health and Wellbeing, Information and cultural showcasing for Positive Ageing Week 2020

Age Friendly Tipperary

Reminiscing in Tipperary “Back in my Day”

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Respect And Social Inclusion
Programme: Tipperary
Status: Complete

The project captured stories and tales of the past, listening to the voices of older people across County Tipperary

Age Friendly Tipperary

Reminiscing in Tipperary Back in my Day

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Social Participation
Programme: Tipperary
Status: In Progress

Tipperary Age Friendly Older Peoples Council are developing a project to capture stories and tales of the past, listening to the voices of older people across County Tipperary.

Age Friendly Tipperary

Resilience Packs Community Groups

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication And Information
Programme: Tipperary
Status: Complete

preparation and distribution of resilience packs to 70 community groups in the county

Age Friendly Tipperary

Resilience Packs Rural Isloation

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication And Information
Programme: Tipperary
Status: Complete

preparation and distribution of resilience packs through the 13 Agricultural Co OPs in the county targeting rural men not engaged with community groups

Age Friendly Tipperary

Tipp Active Bodies

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services, Social Participation
Programme: Tipperary
Status: In Progress

As part of this action, older people supported as they age to maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental health and wellbeing by providing suitable and adapted opportunities for both the older adult themselves to be active and also providing training to service providers to lead physical activity in their care settings.

Age Friendly Tipperary

Tipperary Age Friendly Calender

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Civic Participation And Employment, Communication And Information, Respect And Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Tipperary
Status: Ongoing

developing an Age Friendly Calender