Tipperary Age Friendly held its first public meeting in the summer of 2019, and its first Age Alliance and Executive meetings in February 2020.
Tipperary Age Friendly are delighted to partner with Tipperary Arts & Library in the annual Bealtaine Programme providing a wide and diverse programme across the county.
Positive Aging Week
Tipperary Age Friendly have since 2020 been active in activities around Positive Ageing Week, in promoting local social engagement and providing small grant opportunity for social engagement in addition to facilitating sessions directly.

In 2023 for positive Ageing Week Tipperary Age Friendly hosted a series of Putting Your House in Order workshops in Thurles, Nenagh and Clonmel.
Information Campaigns
Tipperary Age Friendly has supported the development of digital capacity in various locations across the county Digital Connections.
Tipperary Age Friendly has provided and maintained an all-county publication and directory of services for Older People in Tipperary. Tipperary Age Friendly has been active in promotion, awareness and information campaigns in relation to supporting those living with dementia in Tipperary. This has included craft groups within the Tipperary Library Service, Memory Cafe Partnership and network in the County, Magic Table engagement with Dementia Advisors, Mindfulness supports to families living with dementia and business engagement for training.

Tipperary Age Friendly also promote events in Tipperary through our Tipperary Together newsletter and on What’s on in Tipperary in addition to promoting the weekly Age Friendly newsletter through the PPN network.
Within Healthy Tipperary 2023 -2025 one of our indicators is to increase the % of people aged 50+ engaged in one or more social leisure activity at least once a week. We have specific target areas for older adults in Nenagh, Clogheen and Littleton.
Age Friendly EXPO
Tipperary Age Friendly host an annual award-winning EXPO in the TUS College campus in Thurles. Tipperary Age Friendly provide grants to community groups to support transport to attend on the day and the event is free to attend. The event includes talks and workshops, and a range of stands providing information and services for older people in Tipperary, with refreshments provided and finishing off the afternoon with some social dancing. This has been a hugely successful event, growing each year in support and attendance.