Irelands first Dementia Inclusive Shopping Centre
WHO Theme:
Civic Participation and Employment
Cork City
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland partnered with Mahon Point Shopping Centre in Cork to launch the first Dementia Inclusive Shopping Centre in Ireland . It is important to keep …

Music and memories Boxes for Nursing homes
WHO Theme:
Community Support and Health Services, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Cork City
‘Music and Memories’ boxes have been specially designed for hundreds of nursing home residents in a pilot program developed by Cork City Libraries and funded by Cork City Council. …

Northside Senior Olympics
WHO Theme:
Community Support and Health Services, Outdoor Spaces and Buildings, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Cork City
Northside senior Olympics has been running for the past two years in the Northside of Cork City. This initiative brings together different groups from around the northside to compete …

Quality Improvement Project for Older Persons Ward
WHO Theme:
Civic Participation and Employment, Communication and Information, Community Support and Health Services, Housing, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Cork City
In Progress
A quality improvement project which initially started with the formation of an Older Persons Steering Group, with an overall aim to improve care standards for our older adults in …

Stories,poems and songs from The Women of Corks Northside. Recording and publishing these stories…
WHO Theme:
Communication and Information, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Cork City
In Progress
We at moving age have started to record and collect stories from our women and women of other community groups and hope to publish some of these short stories, …

The ‘Neighbourhood University College’ programme is a part time education taster programme
WHO Theme:
Community Support and Health Services, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Cork City
The Cork Learning Neighbourhoods initiative brings the UNESCO UIL Learning City concept to neighbourhoods across Cork City, benefiting communities by promoting and developing lifelong learning opportunities. This initiative supports …

The ValueCare Project: Supporting older persons’ well-being using co-designed technology
WHO Theme:
Communication and Information, Community Support and Health Services, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Cork City
In Progress
The ValueCare Project is a European research project, funded by Horizon2020, which seeks to co-design and deliver integrated care to older people living with chronic health conditions to improve …

The Women’s Crochet Group aims to support fragile/vulnerable women of all ages to build their own c
WHO Theme:
Community Support and Health Services
Cork City
Commentary on the year 2023 Women’s Crochet Group • We engaged 3 tutors and 1 support worker to support the 38 Crochet ladies throughout ‘23. We divided the big …