Blue Vest Initiative
The Blue Bibs initiative for Cork City came about as a creative response to people’s fears and anxieties about Covid – 19 when out and about. The distinctive vests simply act as a reminder to passers by to respect social distance.
Little Bags of Hope
Workshop which encourages participants to look at simple ways that they can improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Playful Paradigm (Play Packs)
The Senior Play Packs are part of the KEEP WELL campaign brought to the community with thanks to Healthy Ireland an initiative of the Government of Ireland with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund and the Sláintecare fund delivered by Pobal.
Sensory Boxes for older adults
Sensory garden box consisting of perennial flowers, herbs delivered to cocooning older adults in Cork North.
Singing for the Brain
An online weekly singing group for older adults, some living with memory loss
Walk with Pride – Cork to San Francisco
Virtual collaborative walking challenge of groups from both Northside and Southside collaborating to walk virtually to San Francisco.