“Not around us” Tobacco and Vaping campaign
Campaign on Social Media and website
Age & Opportunity Artist Residency Raheen Community Hospital 2021
In 2020, Age & Opportunity announced the five artists and six care settings who participated in the Care Hubs of Arts & Creative Excellence iniativite 2020/2021
Befriending Service
Befriending Services during Covid that Clare Co. Council supported partners through the Community Resilience Fund to provide vital befriending services during Covid
Befriending Services during Covid
Clare Co. Council supported partners through the Community Resilience Fund to provide vital befriending services during Covid.
Digital Smartphone Project
Clare OPC accessed a small grant of €3k through the CSS scheme and bought 40 smartphones from Vodafone. These were distributed to those in need through the Family Resource Centres around the county.
From A Distance Concerts
From a Distance Concert series. This was 5 virtual concerts, over 5 Sunday’s with 5 different genres
From a Distance Virtual Concert Series
The Cultural Companions Programme led by Age Friendly Clare, has created a series of Virtual Concerts being broadcast live every Sunday afternoon over 5 weeks in the run up to Christmas. The concerts covered 5 different genres of music to appeal to everyone.
Here Comes The Sun
The Here Comes the Sun project has fostered creativity across the generations connecting communities across county Clare. This Age Friendly intergenerational project brings together primary schools, secondary schools, nursing homes, virtual day centres, and families.