The induction meeting for the new OPC Executive, held at Clermont House on 8th June 2023, was facilitated by Alice Corbett, Age Friendly Ireland Regional Manager for the South-East and Clodagh Whelan, Age Friendly Programme Manager for County Wicklow.
Carina Holmes, Chairperson of the new OPC, said: “It is a great pleasure and honour for me to be elected as Chair and I look forward to working with the new executive group and the Wicklow Age Friendly County Alliance.”
Members of the new OPC Executive are: Carina Holmes (Chair), Suzanne Bennett, Eamon Burgess, Tom Cavanagh, Orla Finn, Anne Halpin, Kathleen Kelleher, Elizabeth Kelly, Marie McCourt, Mai Quaid, Pat Riordan, Gertrude Salley and Hilary Taylor.
With representatives from the five Municipal Districts across County Wicklow, the new OPC Executive has a diverse range of experience among its members who also represent special interest groups such as Dementia Support, migrant communities, community groups, care in the community, arts, culture, and disability support groups. Following their next meeting in August, additional members may be invited to join the OPC Executive to represent other special interest groups.
Clodagh Whelan, Age Friendly Programme Manager for County Wicklow notes that: “Recently released details from the 2022 Census show that 27 percent the population of County Wicklow is now over 55. “
The Cathaoirleach of Wicklow County Council, Cllr Aoife Flynn Kennedy, stated: “It is essential that this very large demographic group be heard and that their needs are met. As our aging population is projected to increase, with people living longer into the future, we want to ensure that Wicklow a great place to grow older for all.”
Emer O’Gorman, Chief Executive, Wicklow County Council, welcomed the new OPC executive group, saying: “I look forward to working with the new Older People’s Council representatives, thorough the Wicklow Age Friendly County Alliance, to ensure that the voice of older people is heard and the County Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy 2023-27 is implemented.”
Residents of County Wicklow and who are over the age of 55 and want to find out more about the work of the Older People’s Council and County Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy 2023-27, should contact: