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WHO:  Global levels of physical inactivity in adults: off track for 2030

Age Friendly Ireland | International

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WHO launched its latest findings on physical activity in June . Healthy Ireland data has shown only 33% of older adults aged 65-74 and 18% of those aged 75+ meet physical activity recommendations.

Internationally 31% of adults were not meeting WHO-recommended levels of physical activity (150 minutes per week). Women are less active than men. After 60 years of age physical inactivity levels increase in both men and women.

Physical activity can improve both mental and physical health in people of all ages and abilities. Too little physical activity increases the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. It is never too late to start being more active and the benefits are particularly important for healthy ageing and the management of chronic diseases.

Want to get more active? 

Contact your local sports partnership to find out about local activities and check your local Age Friendly Strategy to see what actions are happening at local level to improve choices and remove barriers for getting active for older people including improving paths and crossings for walking, greenways and road safety initiatives.

Other References:

WHO Fitness 2

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