CAB 13- 1 – SICAP Case study 2024
Westmeath is an Age Friendly County and in the SICAP 2018-2022 programme Older People were identified as a key priority for SICAP.

This has continued in the SICAP 2022-2028 programme, with resources committed to staffing , projects and initiative to deliver and grow services for older people.
The overall objective of our services is to aid our older people to age in the comfort of their own homes, living independent lives, surrounded by familiar environments and cherished memories. These services help not only enhance the quality of life of an older person, but promote their independence and dignity and autonomy.
SICAP Horizontal Principle Developing collaborative approaches with stakeholders to identify and fill gaps in services for SICAP target groups and improve how mainstream policies and programmes are delivered so they impact more positively on the socially excluded.
SICAP Thematic Focus – Older people (aged 65+ Years) in isolation
SICAP Core Area of Work – Collaborative Responses to Identified Needs Objective
- Engage with relevant stakeholders to identify gaps in services and develop collaborative responses.
- Outcome 3.1: SICAP implementers develop collaborative initiatives with relevant stakeholders that address identified needs
The services we have developed to meet the SICAP objective include
- The Care and Repair service – mainly provided to individuals
- Supports for Older Persons Groups – mainly provided to groups as part of our LCG Caseload.
- Training Programmes – provided to both marginalized individuals and groups. Cofounded by Healthy Westmeath.
The Care and Repair Service
Repair Service– Available to people over 60 years of age (or with a disability for repair jobs)
A repair job is a once off job that should take no more than an hour. Jobs can vary from fitting a light bulb, fitting smoke alarms, putting up shelving, moving light pieces of furniture, sweeping up leaves in a doorway, fixing a door handle to installing security locks and chains, moving boxes. A large amount of referrals are to fit grab rails and small equipment such as drop down toilet seats and drop rails on beds. Referrals come in from the person themselves or family members of the older person, and through Healthcare professionals such as Occupational Therapists, Public Health Nurses, Social prescribers, Age Friendly Homes coordinators.
2023 Repair Jobs | 2024 Repair Jobs (to September) | |
Number of people assisted | 135 | 165 |
Number of jobs completed | 241 | 325 |
Care Service
- Befriending Service – What is it?
This is a regular friendly phonecall exchanged between an older person and a caller, weekly or twice weekly. This service is funded by SICAP and delivered by a local Social Enterprise under contract, SWEETS of Kilbeggan, and staff of WCD.
The Befriending Service has made 5,373 calls to 110 older people as of the end of September 2024.
- The Home Visit Service– What is it?
This is a weekly home visit with an older person. This service is funded by SICAP and delivered by a local Social Enterprise under contract, Mullingar Homecare, and volunteers recruited by WCD.
The Home Visit service has completed 396 visits until the end of September 2024, to 12 people.
Support for Active Age Groups
We work with the various Active Age Groups, with 9 groups SICAP Beneficiaries in 2024 with Annual Support Plans. We are members of the Westmeath Age Friendly Council.
Training Programmes Support for Active Age Groups
WCD has developed a number of training programmes for Older People, funded by SICAP and Health Westmeath.
- I.T /Tablet training courses – 3 courses delivered to active retirement groups and older people in 2024 to date.
- Physical exercise sessions and Nutritional courses- 4 courses delivered in 2024 to date.
126 people have participated on these courses in 2024 to date.
Live Longer and Prosper Programme
This programme originated in 2018. It’s a programme run over 2 full or 4 full days in various community venues. Topics include exercise, using your smart phone, arts and crafts, information talks and entertainment. Transport and food is provided, and the programme is funded by SICAP and Healthy Westmeath.
We target recipients of the befriending calls and home visits are invited to these events, as they are already identified as isolated. ( 20 have attended so far this year). The programme is then promoted amongst the Active Age groups in Westmeath.
In 2024 Live Longer and Prosper courses will run in 9 different locations across Westmeath. This reflects the high demand and success of these courses. Feedback from participants is monitored to feed into the design of subsequent programmes.
Over 300 participants will have engaged with this course in 2024.
As our population ages the need for support services for older people will continue to grow.
Support services that assist a person to remain living independent and active lives in their homes is beneficial for the person, their families and communities, while providing the state with longer term savings. We in WCD believe that by investing in our older generation, we create a society that honours their contributions, fosters inclusivity, which ultimately benefits us all, and will continue to sustain and expand wherever possible on these services, and continue to listen to our participants in order to change according to their wants and needs.