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Sharing “Creative Health and Wellbeing in the Community” blogs from Creative Ireland

Age Friendly Ireland | Local, National | Cavan


In February 2024, the Creative Ireland Programme invited applications from Local Authorities for grant funding for projects supporting Health and Wellbeing through Creativity across 2024 and 2025. The call encouraged collaboration with neighbouring Local Authorities. 15 Creative Health and Wellbeing in the Community projects were successful. These include four all-island projects supported as part of the Shared Island Initiative, which will see Local Authorities work with partners in Northern Ireland. Over the coming weeks we will share a series of blogs from Creative Ireland, giving details of these exciting and important projects as they get underway.

Blog #5

The Art of Life – Cavan County Council

Creatives will play a key role in this initiative which aims to normalise conversations around death and dying using a range of creative approaches to facilitate these sensitive discussions. Participating artists will be socially engaged, employing reflective practice and with great sensitivity, and will be upskilled to support and develop the incentive’s delivery.

There are several intertwining elements to The Art of Life.

An art piece will be commissioned to represent and reflect the ethos of the project. The original will be displayed at a meaningful location, while its digital version will serve as a logo for use in the promotion of the project.

Capacity building will be undertaken through upskilling strategic partners, creatives and care-professionals in Cavan and neighbouring Fermanagh and Tyrone to empower and support compassionate conversations. This will include creative exchanges around delivery in nursing homes, information sessions on planning for end of life, and reflective training for creatives.

Death Positive Libraries is another important element of the incentive. This initiative will see an approved reading list around planning for end of life made available to communities, providing a lasting legacy of easily accessible, free support on the subject.

In addition to local libraries, The Art of Life will reach people in day centres, residential nursing homes and community venues. Creative Sessions will comprise topical creative workshops for people in Cavan and Fermanagh-Omagh local authority areas.

Immersive drama around an Irish wake will also form part of the initiative.

To address the need for increased public awareness, and celebrate the project, The Art of Life will culminate with a key event showcasing the outcomes, and the benefits of a cross-border approach. This will enable creatives, care professionals and the general public along with participants to network, share good practice and promote the programme. 

The Art of Life has been developed to maximise reach within communities and build a lasting legacy. This will be facilitated through the use of a range of different partners such as Age Friendly, Age Sector Networks, Healthy Ireland, The Irish Hospice Foundation, Foyle Hospice (Compassionate Communities), Age and Opportunity, community groups, and libraries along with the participating creatives.

The initiative places people and places at its heart. With an ageing demographic on both sides of the border, it is important to ensure positive ageing through projects such as this. The Art of Life will facilitate the nurturing of relationships with everyone working collaboratively for a shared outcome.

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