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RAMS on Tour

Age Friendly Ireland | National

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All 30 members of the Retired Active Men’s Social, RAMS from Newcastle, Co. Dublin, had their seconded annually trip for 2024 to The Royal county, Newgrange Co. Meath. One of the many Age Friendly counties. A lovely fine day as we embarked on our coach, with all happy men looking forward to their day out.

As we gathered at the St Finian’s Community centre, Teas and coffee and biscuits, was available to our members. The coach trip to Newgrange takes about one hour, and there was lots of banter on board, talk of politics, Euro football, health issues, and TV programmes, and who will win the Euro Football? On arrival at Newgrange, and disembarked, as we availed of more morning coffee and beautiful freshly baked scones in the Bro na Bru cafe. The staff we so friendly, and so helpful to all our members, and they were so happy to serve us, all smiling young people, rather than do the usual queue for counter service.

On hearing we had a singing group among our membership, the Manager requested we give them a song, and Brighten their day, and also for the overseas visitors who were visiting the “site”.

Our Musical Director, Liam O Donnell dully obliged, and gave a wonderful rendition of The Ferry Man, and The Galway Girl. It was great to see the young staff, encourage the singers, with their clapping along, and everyone all smiles, dancing and jiving.

Travelling on to Navan town centre, where the “RAMS in Rhythm” performed at the shopping centre, and sang there for 30 minutes, all to the delight of the patrons, shoppers, proprietors, and staff. We had received permission from the management of the Town centre to sing a few songs, and to raise funds for our local St. Vincent de Paul. The patrons and shoppers were so generous, and enjoyed the singing, that we raised €500 in the 30 minutes we were there. So many thanks to all those who contributed to our charity. The RAMS in Rhythm, support our four charities all year round: The SVP, Down Syndrome Kildare, Our Lady’s Hospice Harold’s Cross and Capuchin Father’s Day centre

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Not all RAMS are singers, so 20 of our members availed of the hospitality in Ryan’s public house on Trimgate Street. They we hosted to a lovely array of finger food, sandwiches, and liquid beverages. The Proprietor and staff looked after our members so well, that it was difficult to get them to leave and continue our journey, and a Boyne Valley tour. When the other singers arrived back to Ryan’s, they too were offered the same array and enjoyed it so much. Ryan’s pub has a wonderful old world about it, and we all felt so welcomed there.

Giving ourselves a break from singing, we continued our day trip, and on to Kells, where we stopped at the Headford Arms Hotel Kells. As we had pre booked the late lunch/Early bird, the management of the hotel extended the closing times of the carvery buffet, and facilitated our members to a lovely meal, with lots of choices to suit everyone, and a beautiful array of desserts. Hot homemade apple pie and icecream “Ala Mode” was the hot favourite. A private room was set up for the RAMS, and again, not to drop our standards, we were served teas and coffees, liquid beverages, and ice cream for those who wish to avail of the treat. The Headford Arms Hotel is one of the hotels who entertain and give great hospitality to Active Retirement groups, like the Retired Active Men’s Social RAMS.

Following on from dinner, the RAMS adjourned to the library for more beverages, and Liam O Donnell again obliged us all, with a few more songs, to entertain our now weary members and to rejuvenate them with some lively songs. Whiskey in the jar, got us all roused again, and to the delight of the customers, we Dubliners, gave another rendition of “Dublin in the Rare Ould Times”. Rounds of applause from all the customers, and hotel staff. Finishing off the evening with, “One the One Road”. Up the RAMS. Back to Newcastle, where we reviewed the day, and planning our next educational trip, and with talk of, where’s the Christmas Party this year?? A wonderful day was had, and the say, There’s Life in the old dog yet me boys, There’s life in the old dog yet!!. Not to sit on our laurels, the RAMS will be singing and fundraising again on the 27th July at the Square Shopping centre Tallaght, and fundraising for Our Lady’s  Hospice Harold’s Cross.

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