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Promoting Positive Ageing In Drogheda

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Louth

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Age Friendly Louth hosted a workshop in The Barbican Centre Drogheda on 28th November 2024. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss and agree a suite of projects to promote positive ageing in Drogheda & south Co Louth.

Members of the local community including members of the Louth (OPC)  Older People’s Council, young people from Ballymakenny College, St Marys Secondary School and Coláiste na Hinse, as well as community rep’s from across Drogheda & South Louth attended the workshop.

There was lots of engaging discussion among the participants as they co designed a number of creative arts, intergenerational and awareness raising projects,  to challenge ageism and reframe the conversation around ageing in Drogheda and south Co Louth .

A common theme across all project proposals was encouraging social connections and providing  opportunities to talk and chat and share experiences across the generations.  Age Friendly Programme Manager Sinead McVerry, will now craft the discussions into definite  project proposals and identify funding streams to apply for financial supports and identify project partners to help deliver on the co-designed projects.

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Co Designing projects to Promote Positive Ageing In Drogheda, Co Louth.

Review of Louth Older Peopl’s Council in 2024

The final Older People’s Council (OPC)  meeting of 2024 was held on 27 November in the new civic offices  in Drogheda. It was an opportunity for OPC members to view the new offices and review the many age friendly events, activities and projects delivered in 2024.

Active Travel presented on their proposals for active travel in the Drogheda area and a good discussion ensued about the OPC recommendations on foot of the walkability study along part of the R132 undertaken by age friendly this year.

Members of the economic development team provided an overview of the Age Friendly Business Training programme in 2024 which saw several new businesses achieve age friendly accreditation during 2024.

Age Friendly Healthy Homes Co Ordinator reported back to the members on the success of the local programme to date.

Mary Fitzsimons new Regional Manager was introduced to the OPC and provided an update on regional and national events and activities.

Members also considered the work programme for 2025 which will include preparing and implementing a new Age Friendly Strategy for Co Louth.

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Louth OPC members final meeting of 2024 held in Drogheda, Co Louth

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