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Monaghan Hospital Awarded “Age Friendly” Status by Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Ireland | National, Local | Monaghan


Today, Friday 7th February 2025, Monaghan Hospital has been awarded “Age Friendly” status by Age Friendly Ireland – the national organisation delivering the government vision of an Age Friendly Ireland – recognising the hospital’s commitment to improving accessibility, comfort, and inclusivity, particularly for older adults and people with disabilities.

Catherine and her mam Kate McGuigan

This recognition follows an extensive process aligned with the principles of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities, which was led by the Monaghan Age Friendly Programme, Monaghan County Council, Monaghan Hospital and Age Friendly Ireland, reinforcing Ireland’s push for more inclusive healthcare facilities. 

Lynda McGrory, Corporate Business Manager & Site Manager at Monaghan Hospital said: “This work has led to huge improvements at the hospital for older people, evident even on approaching the building in the new Age Friendly signage. It has also led to an Age Friendly culture being adopted by the staff, which will lead to continuous improvements in the coming years. The recognition has been warmly welcomed by the local Age Friendly Alliance and is a major boost to the community.”


Lynda McGrory, Corporate Business Manager & Site Manager at Monaghan Hospital

Following an Age Friendly Walkability Audit conducted by local older adults and people with disabilities, Monaghan Hospital, located in Monaghan Town, has made several key physical improvements. These include Age Friendly parking spaces closer to the entrance, improved traffic management, a new access ramp, renovated toilet facilities, and a disability-accessible restroom in the canteen. Universal design-compliant seating with armrests and backrests has been installed in public areas, along with enhanced visual contrast on kerbs for better accessibility.

Additional enhancements feature a biodiversity sensory garden, murals in ward areas, wooden garden features crafted by the Men’s Shed, increased awareness of Local Link transport, the publication of a ‘Guide to Services for Older People in Monaghan,’ and Age Friendly communications training for staff.

Future plans include a pedestrian pathway linking the front and rear of the building, additional Age Friendly parking, and a new dementia garden.

Catherine McGuigan, Chief Officer of Age Friendly Ireland, said: “Monaghan Hospital and Age Friendly Monaghan have put tremendous work into not just implementing an Age Friendly strategy, but also a standard of excellence in adaptation. This achievement showcases how hospitals can embrace Age Friendly practices to enhance the experience for older adults and people with disabilities.”

Robert Burns CE Monaghan CoCo
Seamus McDermot AF Ambassador

Robert Burns CE Monaghan CoCo, Catherine McGuigan CO of Age Friendly Ireland, Seamus McDermot Monaghan Age Friendly Ambassador

This initiative aligns with a national movement toward Age Friendly hospitals. Monaghan Hospital is Ireland’s second Age Friendly Hospital, following St. Luke’s in Kilkenny in 2019. Walkability audits have taken place in Cavan General and Ballyshannon Community Hospitals, and Tallaght Hospital has announced its commitment to start an Age Friendly process. Guidelines are also available for Primary Care Centres seeking to future-proof their buildings for the ageing population.

Professor Ronan Collins, Consultant Physician and Age Friendly Ambassador for South Dublin County Council said: “In Ireland, there are currently 830,000 people aged 65 and over, and this cohort is estimated to grow to up to 1.8 million by 2057. All aspects of service provision in the country need to take the ageing demographic into account and ensure that services and buildings will support access and participation across the life course. Monaghan Hospital should be very proud that they have taken this step for their community.”

Seamus McDermott, Age Friendly Ambassador, Monaghan said: “I am delighted that Monaghan Hospital has achieved Age Friendly Hospital accreditation. The significant improvements made to the hospital enables older patients to enjoy an improved hospital experience and make the hospital a better place to visit for all. I would like to acknowledge the input of the management and staff of Monaghan Hospital, Age Friendly Ireland, Monaghan DisAbility Network and the Monaghan Older People’s Council. I believe that this programme demonstrates that by working together we can continue to make Monaghan a great county in which to grow old, whilst living independent and fulfilling lives.

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