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Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival Launch Event

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Limerick

The Limerick Age Friendly Programme Manager is a member on the Limerick Lifelong Learning steering committee and was delighted to attend the launch of the Limerick Life Long  learning Festival 2025. This years festival was officially launched by the Mayor of Limerick , John Moran on 21st March  in Newcastle West Library.

Taking place from Monday 7th to Sunday 13th April, this year’s festival theme is “Literacies for Life”. It features over 120 free events and activities  both educational and fun to choose from throughout the week both online and in-person for all ages and abilities.

A knitting group who meet in the library Friday mornings were delighted to participate in the launch and to teach the Mayor a spot of knitting.

Click Here for Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival 2025 Brochure

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