The Limerick Dementia Social Club opened its doors in November 2018 to persons with Dementia and their carers across Limerick. Membership is open to all with a diagnosis of or suspected Dementia across all communities as Dementia has no boundaries and does not discriminate.
Limerick Dementia Social Club is led by Garda vetted volunteer’s with a background in health and social care who have a specific interest in Dementia care. Covid enforced an untimely temporary closure to the club but we resumed our monthly activities from September 2022.
Held on the first Wednesday of every month from 6.30pm to 9pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Community Cafe, Rosbrien, Limerick, the club aims to provide a Dementia friendly space for persons with Dementia and their carers/family members.
The club aspires to reduce stigma and social isolation. It promotes open discussion, interactive fun activities, acceptance and new learning. Studies have shown supports like this relieve carer strain and support people to continue living well with Dementia in the community.
Dementia related information is shared by guests with an understanding and experience of Dementia care. In addition, attendees enjoy social activities such as singing, dancing, card games, arts and crafts, peer support and conversation
Ideas for activities come from the feedback and suggestions of attendees.
There are many studies showing the benefits of opportunities for engagement by persons with Dementia e.g. improving cognitive function, reducing brain atrophy and enhancing general wellbeing and inclusivity.
In addition we also have a community singing group Melodies Memory choir for persons with Dementia or cognitive issues. This is led by a music facilitator the third and fourth Wednesday of every month again in the Our Lady of Lourdes community Cafe Rosbrien Limerick from 6.30pm to 7.30pm followed by a cuppa and chill and chat time.
Please contact Margaret O’Sullivan on 0879189833 for additional information.