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Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme and Reverse Vending Machines

Age Friendly Ireland | National

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O’ Herlihy Access Consultancy (OHAC) in partnership with Re-turn, are conducting research into the accessibility of the Deposit Return Scheme in Ireland.

OHAC and Re-turn want to know about your experiences with the Deposit Return Scheme and your use of the reverse vending machines. There are two surveys available to submit your feedback, a standard survey, and an easy-to-read survey.
The surveys will close on the 22nd of November 2024 at 11.45pm.

You can access the surveys by following the QR links, otherwise, you can follow these links:


Easy-to-Read Survey

You can also register for an online or in-person focus group session.
The details of the focus group sessions are below:

Morning Online Focus Group (Session 1)

Date: Tuesday the 12th of November 2024.
Time:  10am to 11.15am.
Location: Microsoft Teams.

In-person Focus Group (Session 2)

Date: Monday the 18th of November 2024. 
Time:  2pm to 3.30pm.
Location:  North Clondalkin Library, 1 Liscarne Close, Rowlagh, Dublin 22, D22 E2Y2.

Evening Online Focus Group (Session 3)

Date:  Tuesday the 19th of November 2024.
Time:  6.30pm to 7.45pm.
Location: Microsoft Teams.

Follow the link below to register for an online or in person focus group.

OHAC Contact

Website: O’Herlihy Access Consultancy (OHAC)
Phone number: +353 1 415 12 85

Facebook Post Square Irelands Deposit Return Scheme Online Surveys and Focus Groups

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