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Healthy Ageing talks in Waterford Libraries

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Waterford

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Waterford Libraries are delighted to invite people to join Dr. Sabine Eggers, community pharmacist to learn about what preventative measures we can take to live a full and active life in our later years on Monday 7th October at 10am in Carrickphierish Library, Waterford. This presentation is free but places are limited.

To book, phone Carrickphierish Library on 051 849696 or email

We would all hope to have a long and healthy life. Healthy being the key word here. It is a fact that in general we are living longer than previous generations and that takes a toll on our wellbeing.

In this talk Sabine will discuss how we can maintain our physical, mental, and social well-being as we grow older.

She will explain the significance of those numbers involved in blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol etc.  and we will learn about the importance of exercise, sleep, nutrition.

Sabine has had an abiding interest in the role of vitamins and minerals in helping the body to cope with our changing lifestyles and needs throughout our life cycle.

This presentation is part of the Waterford Healthy Ireland at your Library initiative. For more information, please go to our website, here.

#HealthyIrelandatYourLibrary #HealthyWaterford #KeepWell #EatWell


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