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Gas Networks Ireland Launches Age-Friendly Customer Support Line: A New Resource for Older Adults Across Ireland

Age Friendly Ireland | National

Gas Network Ireland

At Age Friendly Ireland, we’re delighted to share news of a new initiative from Gas Networks Ireland: a dedicated customer care line tailored specifically for older customers.

This helpline (1800 628 427) provides direct access to trained customer service representatives who understand the unique needs of customers aged 66 and older, making it easier for older adults to access the assistance they need quickly and comfortably.

This service, endorsed by Age Friendly Ireland and supported by our Older People’s Council, exemplifies Gas Networks Ireland’s commitment to being responsive to the needs of older customers.

GNI support line
Sylvia McCarthy, Age Friendly Ireland(left), Kate Gannon, Head of Customer Care and Communications at Gas Networks Ireland andCarrie Benn, Age Action Ireland

The launch of this age-friendly support line comes at a crucial time, especially as we approach the colder months when reliable access to utilities is particularly important.

At Age Friendly Ireland, we’ve worked closely with Gas Networks Ireland to help shape and test this service, ensuring it meets the high standards our communities expect.

Representatives for this line have received specific training to handle the questions and concerns of older adults, helping to create a more accessible, supportive experience from start to finish.

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Age Friendly Ireland is proud to partner with Gas Networks Ireland, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact of this new customer support service for older adults across the country.

This collaboration underscores what’s possible when organisations listen to and invest in their communities, especially for our older populations.

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