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Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Age Friendly Ireland | National


As you are aware there is much concern about the rapidly changing situation in relation to the Coronavirus (Covid-19). Over the last few days Age Friendly Ireland is receiving queries for guidance in relation to meetings, group gatherings, events and initiatives and also in terms of contingency planning.  Age Friendly Ireland is keeping abreast of information being released by HSE and Department of Health’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tony Holohan.  All up to date information is on the HSE website at the following link

The Department of Health Communications Team published the following very comprehensive and useful updated information

Older people concerned about COVID-19, can contact Seniorline where they will receive the most up to date guidance as recommended by Government sources. 

Seniorline is open from 10am to 10pm everyday, call Freephone 1800804591

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