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Congratulations Norway!

Age Friendly Ireland | International

Age friendly Ireland International meeting in Geneva 2024 group photo

Age Friendly Ireland celebrates with Norway in Geneva, Switzerland – Let’s Grow An Age Friendly World Together.

The Centre for an Age-Friendly Norway recently became an affiliate member of the Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities.  To mark this occasion they invited us to present on our work in Ireland at a celebration in Geneva as a side event of the World Health Assembly 77. 
Ciara Farrell, our international officer, spoke about how Ireland achieved national status and the ongoing work to collaborate and grow our successful models across government departments including our new programme with Irish Rail.  The high number of Ministers and attendees was unusual during such a busy schedule – which shows the emphasis states are now placing on supporting their ageing populations. 

The event was also honoured to include guest speeches from the Health Minister of Norway who spoke about challenges and opportunities, the Japanese Health Minister who spoke about the super-ageing society, loneliness and their dementia supports and the Slovenian minister who spoke about intergenerational projects and housing.  There were also talks by affiliate members from Norway, France and Geneva. 

Interested? There were some questions for the panel would like to see change and the role of older people in climate change and extreme weather events. 
Why not suggest your answers here:

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