Cavan Older People’s Council hosted their AGM coupled with an Information Roadshow at the Lavey Inn on Wednesday 2nd October 2024. The event was open to older people from across the county and was free to attend.

Photo above: Bob Gilbert, Cavan Age Friendly Ambassador, Cllr Carmel Brady, Cavan Age Friendly Alliance Member, Cllr TP O’Reilly, Cathaoirleach of Cavan County Council, Carole Beattie, Outgoing Joint Chair of Cavan Older People’s Council, Deirdre Donnelly, Age Friendly Programme Manager, Cavan County Council, Eoin Doyle, Chief Executive Cavan County Council, Brian McDermott, Outgoing Joint Chair Cavan Older People’s Council
The AGM was opened by Cathaoirleach of Cavan County Council Cllr TP O’Reilly followed by an address from outgoing joint chair of Cavan Older People’s Council Brian McDermott. The large audience heard presentations on various topics including Crime Prevention, the new Creative Ireland Shared Island funded project ‘The Art of Life’ and PEACEPLUS. The event coincided with Positive Aging Week which takes place from 30th September to 6th October 2024. The theme of Positive Aging Week this year is ‘Challenging Ageism’ which is also a topic that Age Friendly Ireland’s Age Friendly Ambassadors are focusing on in 2024. Cavan’s Age Friendly Ambassador Bob Gilbert delivered a thought-provoking speech on ‘Ageism’ at the event which was very well received. Mr Gilbert pointed out that those most guilty of ageism can often older people themselves and he asked all present to focus on being kind to themselves and to each other.

Photo above – Staff and students from Loreto College Cavan entertained the audience with some traditional Irish music.
The Chief Executive of Cavan County Council Eoin Doyle also spoke at the event emphasising the importance the Cavan Older People’s Council in working with local authority staff on delivering the Cavan Age Friendly Strategy. There was a cooking demonstration delivered by Community Food and Nutrition which was enjoyed by everyone in attendance. The audience were then entertained by Transition Year students from Loreto College Cavan (who were accompanied to the event by staff members Ms Lisa Fitzpatrick and Ms Mary Shannon) and the event concluded with a raffle with several prizes from local businesses in County Cavan followed by lunch. A host of local agencies and organisations had information stands at the event in order to promote their services to those in attendance. The Garda Community Engagement Van was on site and gardai from the Community Engagement Unit in Cavan were on hand to answer queries and give advice.

Photo above – some of the attendees at the AGM
A new Cavan Older People’s Council Executive Committee was elected at the AGM with six representatives from each of the Municipal Districts in the county. The Executive Committee will represent the voice of older people in Cavan, supporting the work of the Cavan Age Friendly Programme. They will be involved in carrying out various projects and activities such as the planning of events including the weekly drop-in information sessions for Older People which take place at various times throughout the year, conducting Age Friendly Walkability Audits and representing Older People on Committees such as the Cavan Age Friendly Alliance and HSE committees.