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Age Friendly Weekly Round Up

Age Friendly Ireland | National

Age Friendly Ireland Logo

Check out all the Age Friendly Events that took place this week

Monaghan Age Friendly Older People’s Council Annual General Meeting

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Monaghan Age Friendly Older People’s Council held their AGM on Wednesday morning, with Minister Heather Humphreys as the key speaker.

We are honored that her last official engagement as Minister was with us at the Older People’s Council Annual General Meeting. Thank you, Minister, for your support and dedication!

Monaghan OPC

NZEB Mount Lucas Training Rig


On Wednesday the 27th November the Mount Lucas NZEB Training Rig visited Co.Longford. There was a great turn out at the Age Friendly dedicated walk in clinics.

Older people were invited to visit the Rig to learn more about energy saving, the benefits of retrofitting, as well as see firsthand a heat pump in action. There was also discussions around the different types of solar panels and insulation options.

SEAI were also on hand to discuss what grants and supports are available for such projects.

NZEB Training

Age Friendly Businesses in Foxrock Village

AF Business Foxrock

On Monday the 25th November, local businesses from Foxrock Village in Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown, were presented with Age Friendly Business Charters.

Those who completed the Age Friendly Business Programme and are aiming for their business to be an Age Friendly Business were presented with their Charters which display their three actions they are committing to putting in place, some businesses even offering Age Friendly Parking.

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DLR CoCo Presentation of Age Friendly Business Certs. Picture by Shane O’Neill, Coalesce.
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DLR CoCo Presentation of Age Friendly Business Certs. Picture by Shane O’Neill, Coalesce.

We wish to congratulate all those businesses who took part and wish them all the best on their journey to being an Age Friendly Business.

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Age Friendly University Update – Diary Dates

Age Friendly Ireland | National

Wednesday, March 26th Games Night— Come to our board games event supported by Hasbro Games. Bring along your friends, family, grandchildren, etc. Light refreshments will be served. The event will be …

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Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival Launch Event

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Limerick

The Limerick Age Friendly Programme Manager is a member on the Limerick Lifelong Learning steering committee and was delighted to attend the launch of the Limerick Life Long  learning Festival …


Revenue Over 65’s Outreach Events

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Dublin City, Mayo, Waterford

Revenue have organised outreach events, for people over 65 years of age. These events are due to take place in Dublin, Mayo and Waterford, throughout the month of April.

AF Kerry Irish Logo

Active Ageing Festival Kerry

Age Friendly Ireland | National, Local | Kerry

The Age Friendly Office Kerry was delighted to attend and host information stands at the recent Kerry Recreation & Sports Partnership ‘Active Ageing Festivals’. It took place at Foilmore Community …