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Age Friendly Recognition for Businesses in Cavan Town, Cootehill, and Virginia

Age Friendly Ireland | National

Connolly Brothers Fiona Connolly 1
Connolly Brothers Fiona Connolly 1

38 businesses in Cavan Town, Virginia, and Cootehill and 3 businesses in other towns have recently achieved the official ‘Age Friendly Business’ designation, bringing to 60 the total number of age friendly businesses in the county.

The participating businesses successfully completed the Age Friendly Business Recognition programme, which was delivered by Cavan County Council’s Age Friendly Programme and the Local Enterprise Office in conjunction with Age Friendly Ireland, Cavan Older People’s Council, Cootehill Chamber and Cavan Chamber, and Virginia Development Association.

Participation in the programme saw businesses undertake age friendly business training with Age Friendly Ireland Consultant Orlaith Carmody and afterwards commit to making three changes to their businesses which would make them more age friendly for their older customers. Each business consulted with their older customers when deciding on these actions, ensuring the voice of their older customers was of paramount importance.

Orlaith Carmody was impressed with the interest in the programme “The engagement from the towns in Cavan was just fantastic – so heartening to meet so many business owners who really appreciate and value their older customers.  The businesses have enthusiastically taken part in the Age Friendly Ireland Business Recognition programme, they have participated in our training,  and have put small but significant changes in place in their businesses to make them more welcoming to the older customer. We are delighted to have them on board, and hope that other businesses will follow suit”

Hailing the efforts of the participating businesses, Cathaoirleach of Cavan County Council, Cllr Clifford Kelly outlined how our population is getting older, and that the stereotype of the frail older person is rightly being consigned to history. “As a society we are living longer and healthier lives, and the population of older people is increasing rapidly. Over the next 30 years, the number of people in Ireland over the age of 55 will double and the number over 80 will quadruple. Through the Age Friendly Programme, we are preparing for a future where we can all grow older in a county that is prepared for this,” said Cllr Kelly.

Tommy Ryan, Chief Executive of Cavan County Council and Chair of the Cavan Age Friendly Alliance also congratulated all the participant businesses: “Each of the three actions that were undertaken by the participants to make their businesses more accessible and usable for older people will assist in meeting the vision of Cavan Age Friendly Alliance: ‘to make our county a better place in which to grow older’. I applaud all of our newly-designated Age-Friendly Businesses for their efforts to improve the shopping experience for older people in the county.”

Age Friendly Ireland is currently offering training for businesses all over Ireland to help them understand the needs and requirements of older consumers and to develop a response that signals to older people that their business is valued and appreciated.

Deirdre Donnelly, Cavan Age Friendly Programme Manager, complimented the businesses who took part “These businesses have made a clear statement through participating in the Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme that they value their older customers and are committed to high quality customer service that is delivered with an increased emphasis on meeting the needs of the older person”.

Chair of Cavan Older People’s Council and Cavan’s Age Friendly Ambassador Bob Gilbert welcomed the newly recognised Age Friendly businesses “It is heartening to see businesses from Cavan Town, Cootehill, and Virginia become members of the Cavan Age Friendly Business scheme.  I encourage all older people to support these businesses. I hope that their participation in the scheme will inspire and encourage others to join the scheme. These businesses are contributing to the county’s Age Friendly Strategy and are helping to make Cavan the best county in which to grow old”

All of the Age Friendly Businesses in Cavan can be viewed at:

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