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Age Friendly Kerry Updates

Age Friendly Ireland | National

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Accessible Equipment at Kerry Libraries

A range of new Accessible Equipment available at Kerry Libraries was launched by the Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council, Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald and the Chair of the Kerry Older People’s Council, Ms. Catherine Lenihan, on Thursday, 19th December 2024.

This new equipment is available across the 9 Kerry libraries. It has been purchased with Dormant Accounts Funding and can be used free of charge by any member of the public in the library with the aim of making services more accessible to all.

The equipment includes:

  • Looky 5 Digital Magnifier – this handheld magnifier is easy to use, light weight and can be used to read papers, books or signage in the library.
  • OPTIMA trackball – this is an alternative to a desktop mouse alternative that does not require fine motor skills. It is suitable for a wide spectrum of computer users. It is designed to respond to the lightest touch to give accurate cursor navigation and precise targeting of objects on the computer screen.
  • High contrast keyboard – a keyboard designed for users with vision impairment with large black legends on a high contrast white background.
  • Height adjustable desks in Cahersiveen, Listowel and Tralee libraries.
  • ​C-Pen Readers – a convenient tool to support independent reading. Scan text with this device to have the text read aloud. Use built-in highest tier dictionaries to access definitions to secure understanding.

In addition to the equipment for use in the library, some accessible equipment is available for members to borrow, including the C-Pen readers, Fraction Tower Cubes and Movin’ Sit Cushions.

Details of the accessible equipment and all other Kerry library services are available at or call into your local library. Enjoy the discovery!

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The Age Friendly Programme Kerry were delighted to be invited by An Garda Síochána to attend one one of the launches of the Christmas Crime Prevention and Home Safety leaflet bilingual. The leaflets are being handed out in the community over the Christmas period.

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