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Age Friendly Events at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick – Autumn 2024

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Limerick

Age Friendly Limerick

Mary Immaculate College is once again delighted to open its doors to the local community and its neighbours for Autumn 2024.


Mary Immaculate College Limerick (MIC), celebrated Culture Night on Friday, September 20th. The free events, encompassing Irish language, culture, heritage, art, music and history, were a great hit with the public. 

The evening saw staff and students from across the College organising, and delivering interesting, and entertaining workshops, talks, recitals, and tours of the campus from 4pm. Events included A Crash Course in Half Man Half Biscuit; art exhibition,The Engine Room; Ceol an Fhómhair with MIC traditional musicians, Catherine Joyce and Róisín Ní Chonchúir—2023 recipients of the Ashling Murphy Memorial Entrance Scholarship; talks about the Irish national anthem and Limerick City’s Coat of Arms, as well as a guided tour of the MIC Chapel and the nearby Redemptorist Church.

Culture Night is an important night for MIC every year, where the College welcomes many of our neighbours from the South Circular Road area, and beyond.

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On October 2nd to mark Positive Ageing Week, MIC’s Enterprise and Community Engagement office together with the office of Equality, Diversity, Integration and Inclusion were delighted to host a group for an Age Friendly Coffee Morning.

The event marked an opportunity for attendees to network and make new connections but also provided an opportunity to vocalise what they would like the College to be doing from an Age Friendly perspective. It was a great morning of lively chats and discussions between those who attended and MIC staff.

Another similar Age Friendly event is planned for late November.

For more details on Age Friendly events at MIC please contact Trish O’Sullivan Enterprise and Community Engagement Manager MIC on

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