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Age Action – Focus groups, survey and consultation opportunities.

Age Friendly Ireland | National

Age Action

Request for older participants for National Safeguarding Office Web Portal Design Review focus group

The National Safeguarding Office in the HSE is largely tasked with implementing the National Safeguarding Policy and delivering training. 

They also have a web page to help members of the public access information about safeguarding and have just commenced an online portal for both professionals and the public to notify them of any safeguarding concerns. 

They really want to ensure that their online presence uses accessible language and uses a design that is suitable for all who use it.

Age Action are supporting them to recruit older participants for an online focus group to take place on Friday the 21st of March at 11am. This will help to inform them on the language and design they use on their web page and portal and improve accessibility.

If you wish to participate in the focus group, or would like more information please contact me at

Expression of Interest Survey for the Women’s Experience of Healthcare in Ireland Listening Forum

At Age Action, we believe it is very important for older women to be in these spaces, as a significant proportion of women who use the health service are aged 60+. We are supporting the recruitment for the following listening  forum sessions.

The Department of Health and the Women’s Health Taskforce are running a new listening forum to hear directly from women on their experiences of healthcare services.

A listening forum is a space for people to get together and share their opinions, insights, and concerns without judgment. The forum is being organised by the Department of Health and the National Women’s Council, and representatives of both will be present on the day. Age Action will not be present but did contribute to the planning of the sessions. It is to help the government understand how women from all walks of life in Ireland navigate our health service and what barriers they might encounter. It is possible to participate either online or in person.

There will be a number of sessions, taking place both in-person or online.

The in-person event will be held in Miesian Plaza, Baggot Street, Dublin 2 on Thursday 3rd April 2025.
Time will be 10am-1pm and 5pm-8pm (2 sessions available)

The online event will be held on Tuesday 8th April 2025
Time will be 10am-1pm and 5pm-8pm (2 sessions available)

If you are interested in taking part in a listening session, please fill out the survey available at:

If you require more information, you can find a link to frequently asked questions (FAQ) at the bottom of the survey.

Please note the survey will close at 5pm, Friday, 21st February 2025.
Additionally, any queries can be directed to

You can also scan the following QR Code to complete the survey.
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Electoral Commission Education and Public Engagement Strategy

An Coimisiún Toghcháin, Ireland’s Independent Electoral Commission is a statutory, independent body, established in 2023 with responsibility for a broad range of electoral functions set out in the Electoral Reform Act 2022. An Coimisiún is central to Ireland’s electoral system, carrying out a range of pre-existing electoral functions as well as several new and exciting roles.

They are preparing an Education and Public Engagement Strategy to encourage democratic participation in its ultimate expression, voting in a polling booth. One of our most important and challenging functions.

Their goals are simple:

  • all those eligible to vote should be on the electoral register;
  • people should understand how to vote and how their vote works; and
  • everyone on the register should vote at all electoral events.

To help inform the strategy, they are undertaking a comprehensive public consultation process. They see the public consultation process as a vital component of the education and public engagement strategy. 

The consultation begins on 10th February and will finish on 24 March. If you would like to read more about the public consultation, you can find it at or by scanning the QR code below.

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Social network usage and psychological wellbeing in older adults 

Aoife O’ Carroll, a Trainee Clinical Psychologist at University College Cork and is conducting a research study on online social network use and psychological wellbeing in older adults. She is seeking participants who are aged 65+ to take part in an online survey which will explore Psychological Wellbeing, social network usage and social support which will take about 15 minutes to complete. Participants will also be given the option to take part in a 45 minute interview about their experiences using social networks.  

This study has received ethical  approval from the University College Cork Clinical Research Ethics Committee 

If you are interested in taking part you can email: 

Aoife O’ Carroll (Trainee Clinical Psychologist, UCC) at: 


OR please copy this link into your web browser:

You can also access the survey by scanning this QR code with your phone camera  

Death Literacy 

Queen’s University Belfast in collaboration with the All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC),are  assessing death literacy across the island of Ireland. 

Their study aims to evaluate the suitability of the Death Literacy Index for the island and use it to measure the death literacy of our population. Death literacy is the knowledge and skills that people need to access palliative and death care options. As the population continues to age and the prevalence of life-limiting conditions rise, this research is vital for the success of compassionate communities and the improvement of palliative care services on the island. However, they currently lack a clear understanding of what death literacy looks like here. Without this knowledge, it is challenging to know whether they are doing the right things to help individuals access palliative care and have their end of life wishes respected. The death literacy index is a tool that will help udo this. 

 The survey is currently open and can be accessed at the following link;  

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