The Age Friendly Office Kerry was delighted to attend and host information stands at the recent Kerry Recreation & Sports Partnership ‘Active Ageing Festivals’. It took place at Foilmore Community Centre on Friday, February 28th, and at the Munster Technological University Sports Academy on March 7th.
Davina Griffin, Age Friendly Programme Manager Kerry, and Julia O’Sullivan, Age Friendly Support, Kerry County Council, MTU Event / Age Friendly Office Kerry and Healthy Age Friendly Homes at the MTU Event.
The goal of the festival was to promote physical activity for older people, offering attendees the opportunity to try out local activities such as Pickleball, bowls, chair yoga, Activator Pole walking, and more.
Age Friendly Information Stand at the Foilmore Event / Activator Pole demonstration at the Foilmore event.
In addition to introducing these sporting activities, the event featured stands from various local organizations, including charities, the HSE Community Department, Men’s Sheds, Alone, and local development companies, among others.
Both events saw a great turnout, with 95 people attending in Foilmore and 150 attending at MTU.

L – R: Maeve Ryan, KRSP, Mags O’Connor, Kerry County Council, Cllr Tommy Cahill, Kenmare Municipal District Cathaoirleach and Mickey Ned O’Sullivan, Keynote Speaker, at the Foilmore Event.
Mickey Ned O’Sullivan, former Kerry inter-county football manager, selector, and player, was the keynote speaker at the Foilmore event. The Kerry footballing legend, a strong advocate for ageing well and staying engaged in both community and sport as the years go by, shared his insights with attendees.