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Age Friendly Wexford

Dog walking for cocooners

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services
Programme: Wexford
Status: Completed
g walking for cocooners - Wexford County Council and Wexford PPN in partnership with North Wexford Society Prevention of Cruelty to Animals offered dog walking services for members of the public who owned dogs but were unable to walk them as cocooning in the early part of the pandemic. Volunteers from NWSPCA waled dogs for these older and vulnerable people.
Age Friendly Wexford

OPC Intergeneration & Community tablets for older people

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication and Information
Programme: Wexford
Status: In Progress
Funding has been provided from the LA to our OPC to purchase Acorn tablets which will be used as follows: - 6 tablets will go to a secondary school transition year students to use as part of an intergenerational project training older people in technology - 2 tablets will go to the Alzheimers Society and their carers to enable their clients to stay connected - 2 tablets will go to a local Day Care Centre to enable residents to receive training and stay connected