Climate Action Workshop
Waterford Age Friendly in association with Age Friendly Ireland and CARO are hosting a Climate Action Workshop on Tuesday 14th January in Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford. The workshop will …

Healthy Ageing talks in Waterford Libraries
Waterford Libraries are delighted to invite people to join Dr. Sabine Eggers, community pharmacist to learn about what preventative measures we can take to live a full and active life …

Healthy Ageing talks in Waterford Libraries
Waterford Libraries are delighted to invite people to join Dr. Sabine Eggers, community pharmacist to learn about what preventative measures we can take to live a full and active life …

Age Well Expo Waterford
The FREE event, in association with Healthy Waterford, UPMC Whitfield and Waterford City and County Council, will showcase the services, supports and activities available to older people to lead fulfilling, healthy …

Inaugural Age Well Expo draws over 1,500 attendees
On Tuesday, May 7th, Waterford’s first Age Well Expo took place in the Tower Hotel and was attended by over 1,500 participants throughout the afternoon. The Age Friendly Waterford event, …

Age Friendly Waterford to host Inaugural Age Well Expo in Tower Hotel
On Tuesday, May 7th, Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr Joe Conway will officially open Waterford’s Age Well Expo in the Tower Hotel. L-r: Ivan Grimes (Director of Services, …

Waterford Local Radio Age Friendly Topics Podcast
The Communications Implementation Group, set up to develop and promote the new Waterford Age Friendly Strategy, has arranged for a monthly series of talks on a variety of topics to …