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Sligo County Council Logo

Age Friendly Cook Along

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Social Participation
Programme: Sligo
Status: Completed
Virtual Cook Along Programme to encourage older people to engage with each other by fun means during the COVID Restrictions - Jan-March 2021

CREATIVE GENERATIONS: Intergenerational Learning at Atlantic Technological University

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services, Outdoor Spaces and Buildings, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Sligo
Status: Ongoing
For the past 8 years, older people from Sligo, Mayo and Roscommon have joined ATU students as learning partners in the classroom. Students are studying degree programmes in Social …
Age Friendly Sligo

Home Support / Day Care at Home / Activity Packs

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Sligo
Status: Ongoing
Additional Home Support provided to support family carers who were unable to care for their relative
IMG 4019 scaled 1

Pound®️ drum fitness for all ages & all stages

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Sligo
Status: Ongoing
Pound®️ fitness is a fitness program that uses drumming with choreography to provide a whole body work out. It is designed to be adaptive to meet the needs & …
Sligo County Council Logo

Sligo Exercise From Home Leaflet

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Social Participation
Programme: Sligo
Status: Completed
To provide a coordinated programme of physical activities to support individuals especially those cocooning in the home as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic especially those who may not have access to online supports.
stronger for longer featured

Weekly In-Person Stronger for Longer exercise and fitness class for over 50s

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Sligo
Status: Ongoing
Participants were offered an initial 8 week class lasting 1 hour and subsequently because of the demand a follo- on 6 week class. It took place in the sports …