Age Friendly Ireland Projects shortlisted for the LAMA Awards
We are delighted that two of Age Friendly Ireland and Meath County Council projects have been shortlisted for the Local Authority Members Association (LAMA) Awards, under the category ‘National Impact …

PALs ( Physical Activity Leader) initiative in Co.Meath
The PAl’s initiative is designed to get more older people more active, more often. Physical Activity Leaders (known as PALs) are trained to lead members of their own groups or …

‘Meath Cares About Older People’
The Meath Age Friendly Alliance held a successful showcase event in the Pillo Hotel, Ashbourne, on Tuesday, October 1. The ‘Meath Cares About Older People’ event highlighted the wide range …

Dutch Housing & Care Leaders Embark on Study Mission to Meath
Dutch delegates on a learning and exchange programme with Irish counterparts were welcomed to Meath County Council headquarters on 13th June. The delegates, including CEOs, Senior Policy Advisors and Programme …

This convoy was the fifth organised and implemented by by OPC member via the Irish 4x4s for Ukraine project.
Arising from the terrible hardships inflicted on the Ukraine, a group led by the Stockhouse Restaurant from Trim, Co Meath, decided to try and do something to alleviate the suffering. …