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Age Friendly Limerick

communication with loved ones through media devices

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Respect And Social Inclusion
Programme: Limerick
Status: Ongoing

To enable face to face conversations and connections there were internet capable devices issued to each unit.

Age Friendly Limerick

Musicians on Call

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Social Participation
Programme: Limerick
Status: Ongoing

The aim of the project was to promote health and well-being by improving the quality of life and cultural access for those who live and work in healthcare settings, by bringing high quality live music to vulnerable older members of our communities living in nursing homes

Age Friendly Limerick

Putting Your House In Order

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication And Information
Programme: Limerick
Status: Complete

“Putting Your house In Order” was a series of workshops aimed at providing information for those considering retirement and later life planning