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During the period September to December 2022, Age Friendly Limerick, working with consultants Mo Flynn and Kathleen O’Meara, conducted an extensive survey of people aged 55 and over in the city and county of Limerick. 454 responses were gathered. The results of the survey are set out throughout the report.

Limerick Age Friendly Programme

In addition, live, in person, workshops were held in five locations (Limerick City, Caherconlish, Bruff, Newcastle West, Askeaton) to gather feedback from older residents along with a consultation session at the Age Friendly Open Day in Adare.

People aged 80 and over were consulted in two nursing homes: Carebright in Bruff and Corbally, Co. Limerick.

In the region of 200 older people were consulted with in these sessions.

A review was conducted of the achievements of the previous Strategic Plan, as well as outstanding actions.

A series of interviews with key external stakeholders were a conducted, to gather their perspectives on the work of Age Friendly Limerick, and suggested future actions, which can be adopted by Age Friendly Limerick in the new Strategic Plan for 2023 – 2027.


Local Programme Manager
Catherine Bowes-Kelly
Local Technical Advisor
Sarah Newell
Local HAFH Coordinators
Jillian Robinson & Helen Creed
Local Older People’s Council Chair
Chairperson: Elizabeth Stanley
Vice Chairperson: Paddy Hyland
Local Age Friendly Ambassador
Celia Holman Lee