Our key strength is our reliance on the voice of older people. Our diverse OPC meet bi-monthly through the year. They represent us out in the communities they serve. In recent times we have been involved in walkability audits linked to the Town First Plans in the county and we have begun the process of making our railway station, Colbert Station, an Age Friendly bus & rail station in conjunction with Irish Rail & Bus Eireann. We are excited to see those plans come to fruition. We attended the hugely successful Over 50s event in Limerick where we engaged with a large volume of older people over the course of two days to raise the profile of Age Friendly Limerick with significant success. We look forward to the year ahead and continued implementation of our Age Friendly Strategy objectives in collaboration with our alliance partners.
List of Strategies
Limerick Age Friendly 2015-2020
Limerick Age Friendly Strategy 2024 – 2028 – Age Friendly Limerick | Limerick.ie
Age Friendly Limerick Annual Report 2024 – Click Here
Age Friendly Towns
- Cappamore
- Limerick City North
Directory of Services
Click Here
Upcoming Events / Launches for 20205
- The launch of Colbert Station as an Age Friendly Bus & Rail Station will happen this year.