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Age Friendly Donegal

Care packages for care home residents

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services, Respect And Social Inclusion
Programme: Donegal
Status: Complete

The Donegal Age Friendly Programme provided care packages at Christmas 2020 to the 800 residents of care homes in County Donegal

Age Friendly Donegal

Ceol le Chéile – Donegal Intergenerational Choir Initiative

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Social Participation
Programme: Donegal
Status: Ongoing

The Donegal Intergenerational Choir Ceol le Chéile was established in 2018 as a vehicle for promoting health improvement, wellness and wellbeing among children and older adults.

Age Friendly Donegal

Choir of Ages

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Social Participation
Programme: Donegal
Status: Ongoing

Choir of Ages goes online during COVID 19 Pandemic

Age Friendly Donegal

Physical Activity during Covid

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services
Programme: Donegal
Status: Complete

Encourage physical activity among people who are socially isolated and at higher risk of for a variety of physical and mental conditions (particularly aimed at the older generation who are less active due to mobility issues and who are cocooning during covid)