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The Age Friendly Cities and Countries Programme is active in all 31 Local Authority areas, aiming to make Ireland a truly great place in which to grow old. The programme is built on the recognition of the valuable role that older people can and should play in shaping their communities for the better by asking them to participate in the decision making process and being responsive to their suggestions.

The Donegal Age Friendly Programme commenced in 2013 and the third Age Friendly Strategy is currently being prepared. The programme is implemented through the Social Inclusion Unit of Donegal County Council and is overseen by a multi agency Alliance that includes participants from the HSE and is chaired by the Chief Executive of Donegal County Council.

The vision of Donegal Age Friendly Alliance is that the county becomes a wonderful
place for us to live and to grow older. As a nation we are living longer healthier lives, it is expected the population aged 65 or over will rise to 1.4 million people by 2041, the challenges faced by individuals and by society magnify as we get older, the Age Friendly process assists us in dealing with those challenges by being an enabler for policy implementation and a vehicle for lasting change.

Donegal County Council- Social Inclusion for Older People

An Age Friendly county has been described by Age Friendly Ireland as a county that recognises the great diversity among older people and promises their inclusion in all aspects of life. It recognises that if you design with an older person in mind you will universally support all people of all ages and build a sustainable Ireland for all.

The following are the themes of the Age Friendly Programme

• Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
• Transportation
• Housing
• Respect and Social Inclusion
• Social Participation
• Communication and Information
• Civic Participation and Employment
• Health and Wellbeing


Local Programme Manager
Rosita Mahony
Local Technical Advisor
Trudi O’Reilly
Local HAFH Coordinators
Clodagh Murray & Emma Kennedy
Local Older People’s Council
Chair: Caroline McDaid
Vice Chair: Seamus McGranaghan
Local Age Friendly Ambassador
Moya Brennan