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Residents Cyling

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Civic Participation And Employment, Communication And Information, Community Support And Health Services, Housing, Outdoor Spaces And Buildings, Respect And Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Cork County
Status: In Progress

We have introduced a bike which some of our residents use daily.

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Snap Happy Phone photography for over 55s

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication And Information, Community Support And Health Services, Social Participation
Programme: Cork County
Status: Complete

An online phone photography program for over 55s.

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Using a low bike for the resdients to cycle in their chairs

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication And Information, Community Support And Health Services, Housing, Outdoor Spaces And Buildings, Respect And Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Cork County
Status: In Progress

Residents who are not able to walk love to use the bike to get their legs moving