Since embarking on its Age Friendly Towns Programme in 2016, Cork County Council has introduced the initiative in eight towns, with the aim of improving the quality of life of older people in Cork county. Kinsale, Bandon, Mitchelstown and Cobh were the first towns to embark on their journey to Age Friendly status and continue to add initiatives such as promoting age-friendly businesses, developing age-friendly parking, age/wheelchair friendly outdoor seating, as well as running a host of fun inclusive activities for older people.

Age Friendly initiatives in Cork County include:
- Age Friendly Libraries
- Age-Friendly Towns
- Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme
- Wheelchair friendly picnic benches
- Age friendly parking spaces
- Age Friendly Seats
- Age Friendly shops
- Age Friendly Housing Options
- Age Friendly Local Information Directory
- The Mobile Library Service
- Age Friendly Tea Parties
- Cork County Older People Council
- Cork County Age Friendly Alliance
- Monthly Age Friendly Newsletter
- Age Friendly classes in computer skills
Cork County Library
Cork County Library has developed an Age Friendly Policy and Strategy as part of the Council’s Age Friendly Strategy in consultation with the Older Persons Council. In January 2019 Fermoy library became Cork County Library’s pilot Age Friendly Library. The initiative involved consultation with older library users to assess their requirements in terms of library service and accessibility. Adaption of current services and provision of improved services to fulfil those needs. Cork County Council is committed to the development of Age Friendly towns across the County, a direct reflection of the need for inclusiveness of older people, as we witness a shift in the distribution of our population towards older ages.
Age Friendly Towns
- Mitchelstown
- Kinsale
- Cobh
- Bandon
- Millstreet
- Bantry
- Charleville
- Passage West/ Monkstown
Age Friendly Audit
All branches carried out an Age Friendly audit as part of the Age Friendly accreditation process. As a result, each branch undertook to implement three changes highlighted in the audit process.
- Age friendly information notice board.
- Shopping-type baskets and trolleys for older people to use when picking books.
- Providing magnifying glass/glasses of varying strengths.
- Providing comfortable seating with arm rests.
- Increased the stock of adult audio books and large print books.
- Age Friendly Car Parking Space.
- Improved signage – on shelving, toilets.
- C-Pen readers (available on request).
- Improved lighting.
- Floor Plans showing the locations of points and areas of interest for elderly visitors, placed near the entrance of the library in a very visible spot.
- Set up Age Friendly group in library.
- Re-organising stock to make audio and large print more accessible.
- Reducing clutter to ensure easy access around the library.