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Louth Age Friendly Updates

Age Friendly Ireland | National

Age Friendly Mayo

Louth Age Friendly Expo 2024

Age Friendly Louth welcomed over 250 people to the Ardee Parish Centre on 2nd October 2024 to celebrate Positive Ageing Week.

Gavin Duffy Age Friendly Ambassador for Co Louth opened the event and spoke about the work of the Age Friendly programme in Co Louth. He also emphasised the positive aspects of ageing and the significant roles older people play in our communities and families and highlighted the positivity and vitality of older age.

The EXPO then featured a number of key speakers on topics such as positive ageing, ageism, the importance of physical activity and movement as we age and the importance of maintaining good diet and hydration as we grow older. Presenters were from the HSE,  DKIT and the Louth Older People’s Council (OPC) .

In addition to the suite of speakers there were over 30 service providers, community groups, organizations and state agencies exhibiting at the Expo.

They were showcasing the services and supports they offer to older people in County Louth to enable and support people to age well.

This included exhibitors providing information and help on safety & security, community supports, finance, health and well being, sports & leisure , recreation & technology to name but a few.

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Climate Action Week 2024

Age Friendly Louth were delighted to partner with the Climate Action Team in LCC to celebrate Climate Action Week 2024.

Wizard of Creation Aga Hutchinson hosted a sustainable fashion workshop on 15.10.24 showing people how to upcycle and reuse clothes, jewellery and accessories. The workshop took place in Dundalk Library and was open to the public and community groups. Members of Cooley Connect Well attended the event.

Aga also hosted a sustainable art workshop in Ballsgrove Drogheda on 24.10.24 The Wizard of Creation (Artist) specialises in upcycling and reusing everyday household objects. The members reused old teacups bought in a second hand shop and used them as a base for a Halloween themed display all flowers, herbs and cuttings were from the artist’s own garden.

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